“There is no wealth or strength other than that ofMen,” said Jean Bodin.
With this sentence, Jean Bodin strongly affirmed that the real wealth of our world is human destiny. It is the people.
The lives of men also make the life of the world, which is why historical biographies are so important. The best biographies we have made are compiled here.
Biographies of famous politicians
- Biography of Hugo Chávez
- Biography of Nelson Mandela
- Biography of Barack Obama
- Biography of Alain Juppé
- Biography of Helmut Kohl
- Biography of Queen Elizabeth II
- Biography of Simone Veil
- Biography of François Hollande
- Biography of Nicolas Sarkozy
Biographies of famous artists
- Biography of Arthur Rimbaud
Biographies of famous thinkers/philosophers
- Biography of André Gide
- Biography of Max Weber
- Biography of Friedrich Nietzsche
- Biography of Gilles Deleuze
- Biography of Jacques Derrida
Other biographies
- Biography of Pierre Desproges
Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 16:29