VII. A. 21st Century Tensions Inherited from the Cold War
→ In the aftermath of the Cold War —failure of the putsch in 1991, disappearance of the USSR, creation of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) by Russia, Ukraine, and …
→ In the aftermath of the Cold War —failure of the putsch in 1991, disappearance of the USSR, creation of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) by Russia, Ukraine, and …
This post aims to eradicate one of the biggest misconceptions, one of the biggest commonplaces. Many will tell you: “It does not matter how many lines, only the content matters.” …
Is the law just? What is natural law? What is positive law? Which authors defend which theses? Here are some tracks to understand how justice “justifies” the law: quotations from …
Paul Krugman, an economist born in 1953, wrote a book published in 2012 by Flammarion entitled: Sortez-nous de cette crise… maintenant ! This book report lists for each chapter the key …
→ The double mandate of Jacques Chirac, elected president in 1995 and 2002 Jacques Chirac Jacques Chirac’s terms in office: —may 7, 1995 election of Jacques Chirac against Lionel Jospin, …
Horace Horace (-65 to -8. BC), Roman poets, friends of Virgil, he composed the Secular Song and wrote many satires, letters, and other works. In this extract, Horace denounces the …