31 tips for your essays

History: Always start with a hook. Do not forget the accents on words. Avoid personal pronouns in the 1st person, even if it is acceptable for most professors. Example: as …

Republics are not eternal

It is Plato who affirms it, as Jean Bodin relates it, in his IVth book of the Republic: Republics die, like all things. Republics suffer change by nature. So that …


French law – The Department

Title 3 – Local and regional authorities Chapter 2 – The Region Chapter 3 – The Department Since the 2015 election, the general council is now called the departmental council, and similarly the general …

Write an introduction in 5 easy steps

Here is a step-by-step methodology for writing the introduction to a General Knowledge paper and an essay in general. @Kira, a reader of the Academics in Politics website, suggests that …