What is the Philosopher King?

The philosopher king is a concept that comes to us from Plato. In the Republic, book V, 473d, Plato insists that philosophy and kingship must coincide. Otherwise, the kingdom will …

The government against the people

In Arts de gouverner. From the medieval “regimen” to the concept of government, Michel Senellart sees Machiavelli as the first author to have theorized the confrontation between the people and …

Social classes

Is it fair that the chance of birth gives certain privileges? What about social classes? I. The questioning of privileges in the 18th century In the 18th century, Turgot thought, …

Short biography of Hugo Chávez

On Tuesday, March 5, 2013, Hugo Chávez died. His historic personality for Venezuela, which he will have led for 14 years, will also have marked international relations. Vice President Nicolás …

Privacy and capitalism

That’s the theory Tim Wu advocates in a 2019 New York Times article. For him, privacy in the old days was the same as being rich. Peasants, slaves and serfs …