Annals of Sciences Po Bordeaux BAC+1

The Sciences Po Bordeaux exams for the BAC+1 exam.

The tests are a general knowledge essay (3 hours), a modern language test, and an optional test (history, geography, economics, mathematics, or law).

Annals in pdf format are available on the Sciences Po Bordeaux website.

Annals of Sciences Po Bordeaux at BAC+1:

2013: “Family I hate you”, André Gide, les nourritures terrestres, 1897(corrected)
2012 : Is Europe finished?
2011: Obedience and resistance
2010: Are there too many men?
2009: “Culture is not inherited, it is conquered.” André Malraux, 1959,
2008 : “Misery is a fortress without a drawbridge” Albert Camus
2007: Is culture a state affair?
2006: The power of the street
2005: Saying no
2004: ” Gouverner c’est contraindre ” Georges Pompidou, le nœud gordien, Paris : Plon, 1974
2003: Education and repression

André Malraux
The quote “Culture is not inherited, it is conquered” by André Malraux
was the 2009 subject of the Sciences Po Bordeaux BAC+1 exam.

Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 15:34

3 thoughts on “Annals of Sciences Po Bordeaux BAC+1

  1. I am doing the preparatory classes in the second year, can I take the French baccalauréat 1 competition?

  2. @Le Modeste: Hello, yes to our knowledge it is possible to pass the BAC 1 entrance examination even though you are at a level higher, or that you have repeated your college year once, the important thing is to have at least a BAC 1 or to be in this year. We do not affirm anything, but we believe that it is possible. It is also necessary to inquire for each IEP, because some offer possibilities of access in BAC 2 specifically, for example. We hope to have answered and understood the question well, let us know the results if this is the case, and have a nice day.

  3. I did my baccalaureate in 2012. Is it possible to take this exam next year?

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