French law. Patrimonial rights

Subjective rights are prerogatives, i.e. powers,
granted to the exam questions of law.

These prerogatives thus benefit an individual and weigh against other other individuals.

Subjective rights are delimited by objective law.

Definition of Subjective rights: All the advantages which a person, whether physical or moral, enjoys over a specific person or a specific thing. Subjective rights are composed of patrimonial rights and patrimonial rights and extra patrimonial rights.

I. Economic rights

A. The notion of patrimony

Definition of patrimony: an indissociable set of rights and obligations of a rights and obligations of a person which have a pecuniary value and therefore can be evaluated in money.

1. The universality of rights

The patrimony is universality, which means that it is a single block.

This indissociable block includes assets and liabilities.

2. An emanation of the personality

The classic theory of Aubry and Rau reminds us that all assets always belong to a person who always belongs to a person.

Conversely, every person necessarily has a patrimony, and every person has only one
patrimony, and every person has only one

There are exceptions to this uniqueness of patrimony: for example, in the case of a trust, where a person transfers his property to a trustee. This
trustee manages the patrimony while separating it from his own patrimony

Another example is the status of individual entrepreneurs with limited liability, which limited liability, which separates private assets from professional assets.

B. Real rights

Real rights are rights that relate directly to a thing or to the power that a person has over it the power that a person has over that thing.

1. The main real rights

The main real rights are the right of ownership and the ramifications of this right.

The right of ownership is the right that gives its holder the total control of a property. This control has three aspects:

use, which is the right to use the property

fructose, which is the right to receive the fruits of the property

—theabusus, which is the right to dispose of the property, to sell it, to remove it.

2. Accessory real rights

Accessory real rights are goods given as security by a debtor to a creditor by a debtor to a creditor. There are three kinds of accessory real rights

—the mortgage, a security interest in real property that authorizes a creditor (the person to whom money is owed) to seize and sell an immovable

—the pledge, which consists of a movable asset given to a creditor given to a creditor by a debtor to secure a debt

privileges, which give preference to certain creditors rather than others

3. The attributes of real rights

Holders of real rights may be entitled to:

—a right of resale: a prerogative that belongs to certain creditors to exercise their rights on a property in any hand where it is

—a preferential right: the prerogative of certain creditors designated by law to be paid before other creditors.

C. Personal rights

Personal rights are exercised against a person
and not against a thing.

Personal rights establish that a person can
another person toperformor refrain from performance or forbearance of a service.

Personal rights do not give rise to a right of resale or a right of preference

D. Intellectual rights

Intellectual rights are not real rights: they do not relate to a material thing, but to an immaterial they do not relate to a material thing, but to an immaterial thing.

Intellectual rights give a temporary monopoly of exploitation on creations of the mind, an intellectual work, and on a commercial clientele, i.e. a business.

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