How do you catch up on a year’s worth of curriculum four months before exams? The answer here.
Hello, I am currently in Terminal ES and would like to prepare for the Sciences Po exam.
I have four months left and I barely know a quarter of the required program. I also got low marks in the French baccalaureate and I was wondering if this would be detrimental.
It is never too late for Sciences Po!
Of course, having low grades is detrimental, but in four months you have plenty of time to improve your grades. Moreover, Sciences Po is not only after the terminal: it is almost every year after the French baccalaureate!
You have everything to gain by studying as much as possible, and nothing is lost. You can make up for it in French, and preparing for the exams will only be good for you.
You can apply this accelerated revision program: https: //
Have a good day,
The Academics in Politics team
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Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00
Good morning ! I am in terminal L. I have just registered for the tests of the Sciences Po of bordeaux (March 16) so I have exactly 2 months to study everything. It’s doable ? What should I study? Thanks in advance
Good evening ! I am currently a student in terminal es and is a candidate for sciences po Paris. My file is being studied and I have a month and a half left before the written exams… I only decided in November to integrate sciences po and only very recently started to study History. I worry: even if I have very good results in history and a passable culture, I wonder if it is possible to study the whole history program in such a short period of time?
@Inès: Hello Inès, Yes it is possible! It is true that some start from the first, which makes them formidable candidates. But do not worry, most candidates only really realize that they want to join Sciences Po during their final year, at the time of choice. With work and if you have the motivation, you can largely succeed in this contest! Especially if you take advantage of the help and resources on the internet, such as this Academic in Politics site, and if you study with perseverance. We strongly encourage you if you want it, you can! The Academics in Politics team
Hello, Currently in terminal ES, I would like to integrate Science po Aix, but I was really afraid of being late for the revisions since I see everywhere that I had to start preparing first do you think it’s doable ?
Hello, I outline to pass the common exam, and I started to learn the program two weeks ago. Coming out of an ES baccalaureate I already had general knowledge, I am now starting to learn seriously more in detail. Do you think it’s too late? What advice could you give me? THANKS !