20 contemporary history cards (1945 – 2017)

Thanks to these 20 contemporary history sheets, classified in 7 main categories, you will become untouchable on the history of France but also of Europe and the world from 1945 to the present day.

These sheets are, of course, intended for all history buffs, but they have been designed more specifically for students preparing for competitive exams, from the baccalauréat to higher education, students in preparatory courses, and, of course, candidates interested in the Sciences Po exams.

In a chrono-thematic way, here are the main facts to remember, from the end of the Second World War to the middle of the 20th century, up to the 21st century.

The World, Europe and France from 1945 to 2022

before finding below the summary of the cards, here is a summary of the themes of our contemporary history.

After the Second World War, the aim was to rebuild a destroyed Europe, while building organizations strong enough to protect against a new world war.

Two powers were confronting each other, above all on the ideological level, but also on all geopolitical levels.

At the same time, a process of decolonization is taking place: the old European powers are losing their influence, and nations aspire to emancipation, and even independence.

The economic frictions take an unprecedented scale, by the more and more intensive interconnection of the state economies.

To make a place for itself in this world, France developed and then relied on the constitutional regime of theFifth Republic.

Joining forces with its European neighbors, it actively participated in the creation of the European Union.

This European Union, an organization of a nature unprecedented in history, must be put in perspective with General Europe, that is to say, with regional development outside this specific political construction.

But it is ultimately on a global scale that the new challenges of the 21st century are being played out.

I. After the Second World War, the entry into the Cold War (1945–1947)

A. The outcome of the Second World War

B. From the Yalta conferences to the Nuremberg trials.

C. Truman doctrine versus Jdanov doctrine

D. Establishment of the UN.

II. The Cold War takes hold (1947–1969)

A. The world is divided: the confrontation between the two blocs

B. A new stabilization of international relations

III. Decolonization and the emergence of the Third World (1945–1,990s)

A. The causes and first signs of decolonization

B. The emergence of Third World countries

IV. Interconnected economies (1,950s–1,990s)

A. The economy in the world during the Trente Glorieuses

B. The economic crises between 1973 and 1996

V. Contemporary history of France (1945–2022)

A. France guided by General de Gaulle

B. From post-Gaullism to today

C. France in the construction of Europe

D. France’s cultural influence

E. Politics in France since 1991

VI. Contemporary history of Europe (1946–2022)

A. Construction of Western Europe

B. Eastern Europe and popular democracies

C. Evolution of the European Union since 1992

VII. Inherited and future challenges in the 21st century (1991–2022)

A. Tensions of the 21st century inherited from the Cold War

B. Challenges for the world in the early 21st century

See also:

→ 19th century Fact Sheets

→ 50 introductory law worksheets

Originally posted on 10 February 2022 @ 18:15

56 thoughts on “20 contemporary history cards (1945 – 2017)

  1. hello I am a foreign student and I would like to know if it is still the same program and are these sheets complete to study. THANKS

  2. would like to know books to consult to know the history of India … a book that is not too exhaustive but simple to consult … I am retired but I think that the best documented on the history of the world are the students of your school

  3. Hello, would it be to know if from one year to another the history program changes? That is to say, is the 2016 and 2017 program the same? Good for you

  4. Hello, should we study the chapters concerning global economic governance since 1944, or even the project of a political Europe since the Hague Congress? If the theme of history is France, Europe and the world since 1945, it seems that as far as governance is concerned, only France is concerned (according to the title France since 1945: institutional developments and politics, right? I’m struggling to know what the precise history program is, and I don’t want to skip it or waste the little time I have left. Thank you for enlightening me.

  5. The adaptation of the outline is done according to the question which calls more for a copy in 2 or 3 parts. Whatever your choice, the best thing is to justify it in your introduction when announcing the plan, so the proofreaders can judge the relevance of your outline according to what you wanted to highlight in your copy, as well than what you have seen fit to leave out of your copy on the question;).

  6. Hello, what is the most suitable or most expected outline for the common science po test, concerning China: a two-part plan, or a three-part outline describing the limits of power last? Thanks in advance !

  7. Hello, could someone tell me the exact chapters to study for the contest and where to find them? Thanks in advance

  8. I can’t access the China relations with the world since 1945 file, what should I do?

  9. Hello! I don’t see the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime anywhere, should we learn about the events of this period or is it not worth it? Thanks in advance !

  10. The file on China’s relations with the world since 1945 is inaccessible, what should I do?

  11. Hello do you think a question like Communist China during the Cold War would be likely? in the same way do you think that the wars of Yugoslavia or Kosovo are to be mastered perfectly? Thank you for your reply’

  12. Do we have the right to insert a diagram or sketch in the copy of history and/or contemporary issues?

  13. Hello, first of all thank you very much for your site, I am preparing the competition alone with the BM, and your files allow me to sort through all this information!! Exactly, I wanted to know if I should also work on Russia and Japan, which are in the book, but are not part of the main points? (Which would suit me somewhat I must say) Thanks in advance!

  14. Hello, I am trying the regional Sciences Po competition this year, however, I have a question about the history test: the program being: 1 – Powers and conflicts in the world since 1945 The focus will be on the United States States and China in their relations with the world since 1945. We will insist on the conflicts of the Cold War and decolonization. We will focus on a particular focus of conflict: the Near and Middle East. 2 – France since 1945: institutional and political developments Candidates will address institutional changes, changes in the balance of political power and changes in the mode of governance. Can there be a question regarding Europe? Knowing that the program is based on Le Monde, Europe and France since 1945 Thank you in advance, Have a nice day.

  15. Extract from the common competition site: Presentation of the history program 1 – Powers and conflicts in the world since 1945 The emphasis will be on the United States and China in their relations with the world since 1945. We will insist on conflicts of the Cold War and decolonization. We will focus on a particular focus of conflict: the Near and Middle East. 2 – France since 1945: institutional and political developments Candidates will address institutional changes, changes in the balance of political power and changes in the mode of governance. Can we see a restriction of the general subject?

  16. @Melanieeee: Of course! These are files, it is better to know everything! But you will not come across a subject of “the Cuban Crisis”, which is too specific, but rather, for example, “The United States in the Cold War (1956–1962)”.

  17. Shouldn’t we also study more closely the crisis in Cuba, the war in Vietnam or the conflicts in Asia?

  18. @Marianne: Hello, these are the files. It is absolutely necessary to deepen them, to see other works, to read more complete books, to open up to other subjects! So clearly would we say no there is not the whole program, and we need to go deeper! Sciences Po requires a high level, and you really have to study all the exam questions as much as possible, even those that are only mentioned here. Good luck!

  19. Hello, is there here the whole course to study for the common competition? For example, I don’t see any mention of the Middle East in international relations, which is also on the program for the common competition, right? I admit that I am a little lost ^^ Thank you!

  20. The common competition program should change for the 2015 session, adapting to the new reforms of the final year program. As for the science po Paris competition, the history part covers the 20th century (first-grade program as well as the parts suppressed by the reforms, example: the decolonization of India). Good luck to everyone !

  21. Thank you very much for all this! It’s really well summed up.

  22. Yes, I was thinking of the 2015 session! Do you know if it’s the same program as this year? It seems logical but you can never be too sure…

  23. re Audrey: yes, the program is different, and moreover it has already passed for this year and the results have just been released!!!

  24. Hello, excuse me, if I understood correctly it is about the program of the common competition? Can you tell me what is the competition for Science Po Paris if it is different? (I’m sorry if the question has already been asked, or the info is already somewhere, I may have missed it…) Thank you!

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