10 commandments for success in the General Culture test

– to measure the general level of knowledge
– to develop a clear argument
– to measure mastery of written expression

If you want to Succeed in the general knowledge tests, all you have to do is focus on these three objectives and follow these 10 commandments.

réussir la culture générale

The general level of knowledge

1. Show that you have a culture that you have knowledge. In particular on current events, on the political stakes of the world, on the economic problems of our societies, and on the importance 2. of culture in the last two centuries.
3. Use references from today, events that have occurred since 1945 until today. Cite current authors from our 20th and 21st centuries.
4. Write a general knowledge essay, not a history or philosophy essay. A few dates, a few philosophers, but not only: it is a general knowledge essay. You will easily succeed in staying within the framework of general knowledge if you comply with the previous points, if you evoke the issues of current society.

Develop a clear argument

5. Explain the question, the terms used, the scope it covers, and the different forms it can take.
6. Build a clear argument: an introduction (definition of the question, problem, plan), a development (two or three parts with transitions), a conclusion.
7. Give an answer to the question that pinpoints the problem, and explain your personal reflection

Mastery of written expression

8. Write in good French. No familiarity, precise terms, good spelling, and, of course, respecting the rules of grammar.
9. Use relevant references, and therefore do not multiply them. In the same spirit, use technical terms sparingly.
10. Illustrate your ideas with concrete examples rather than abstract ones. Explain to them clearly each time and for each idea. Write the essay well in its entirety, without getting caught up in time.

You are guaranteed to pass your general knowledge test if you follow these principles. Indeed, you will immediately move up to the first category, the category of the best papers. Sciences Po is within your reach, you will succeed!

→ Pass the history essay for Sciences Po
→ Writing good conclusions for Sciences Po

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00

One thought on “10 commandments for success in the General Culture test

  1. Hello, I am preparing for the Sciences Po Bordeaux competition and I would like to read some good copies. The school’s official website does not provide any. Would you know where to find such homework fully corrected? Thanks in advance.

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